Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Matej Štuhec
Associate Researcher
Matej Štuhec is Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Researcher at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine and teaches Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana. He is actively involved in clinical practice as a clinical pharmacy specialist and manager of the hospital pharmacy at the Ormož Psychiatric Hospital.
His research focuses on real clinical pharmacy services, psychopharmacology and prescribing by pharmacists. In addition, he serves as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (Springer, SCI) and Research Editor of Frontiers in Psychiatry (Frontiers, SCI). He is a regular reviewer with more than 250 reviews, including the Lancet and Lancet Psychiatry. Over the last decade, he has been actively involved in several important research and pilot projects and regulatory changes in the field of clinical pharmacy in Slovenia. A key project is: ‘A model of pharmacist-general practitioner collaboration in Slovenia – from research to new services’, which has been successfully transformed into a new health service in Slovenia, accessible to all Slovenes.
He is actively involved in psychiatry and pharmacy-related associations, including the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), and is currently Deputy Head of the Psychopharmacology Section of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) and of the Mental Health Group of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP). In the past, he has given numerous plenary lectures at several symposia hosted by the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) in 2021, 2022 and 2023, as well as at various medical congresses such as the European Psychiatric Congress.

Bodoči sodelavec/sodelavka
Motiviran, proaktiven, timski igralec, ki ga zanima biomedicinski inženiring in/ali sorodne teme, kot so znanost o materialih, celična in molekularna biologija, regenerativna medicina itd. Nekdo, ki se želi učiti in se želi pridružiti navdušeni, prijazni in interdisciplinarni ekipi kot magistrski, doktorski ali podoktorski kandidat.
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